After High school Mr. Alan Amsterdam attended Frostburg State University. Consequently, Alan discovered that using cannabis helped him focus on his school work. (1985-1990).

During this time, a close family member became ill. Alan knew that cannabis could help to alleviate their pain and distress. However, because of the stigma associated with the plant, his relative declined use. It was a sobering reality.

After university, Alan moved to NYC, to search for his next steps in life (and a career).

Up to this point, the cannabis industry had played a big part of Alan’s informative years. The influence of the industry had swayed him to make a career in this field.

However, there only existed an ‘underground market’ in the USA at that time. This appealed to a few players financially , i.e. those who had “the Best”. The consequences for getting caught (arrest, court, lawyers fees, incarceration) were serious. Anyone who dared enter ‘that space’ during the height of the ‘War on Drugs’, faced huge risks.

Alan decided to take a trip to Holland. He had read magazines and spoke with friends who had visited Amsterdam. (Located in the Netherlands). Alan was told that the cannabis laws were “relaxed”. Apparently, quasi legal ‘coffee-shops’ existed in Amsterdam. To sum up, consumers could procure and consume cannabis products on premises!

The Dutch “coffee-shops” operate a ‘back-door’ policy. It is illegal to produce cannabis. However, licensed coffee-shops are allowed to sell it for personal consumption.